Photo Credit: barbtrek via Flickr
Valentine?s Day is over, and your plans went perfectly. You showered your spouse with kind words, gave gifts, and probably enjoyed a memorable evening or special date night. You both enjoyed it all, and felt all warm inside about your relationship. Now you can relax and get back to ?normal.?
Hold up just a minute! ?Isn?t that the ?norm?? ?Kind words, gifts, and great times together. ?If not, maybe it should be.
Relationships are for a lifetime, not just a day
In our consumer and media driven society, there is a lot of hype leading up to holidays and big events, and when that day or event ends so does the hype. Our marriages and our relationships should be different. ?Loving your spouse, giving them things that make them feel good, and creating memories together should begin before Valentine?s Day and continue after.
It just as easy to get lax, as it is to get caught up in the hype. ?Many of us were very intentional in our planning and preparation for Valentine?s Day. It will take the same level of intention to do so when it ends. Below are a few ideas and ways you can keep showing love and being intentional in your relationship.
5 Ways To Keep the Love Going When Valentine?s Day is Over
- Extend Valentine?s Day. Buy Valentine?s Day items at discount the evening of or night after. Many times stores will begin to discount all the Valentine?s Day items, heart shaped things, and love themed items when the sales push is over. Grab up a bunch of stuff, and keep giving gifts the rest of the month.
- Plan regular dates like you did your Valentine?s date. Some of us get serious when it comes to planning a Valentine Day date, but the other dates throughout the year are just kind of run of the mill. Take as much time planning these dates, and make each date as special and memorable as you can.
- Be creative all the time. I don?t consider myself super creative, but I?ve done some creative things to show my wife I love her on Valentine?s Day, and I?ve heard some really creative ways that others have done so. Our creativity in showing our spouse?s how much we love them should be perfected throughout the year. Make creativity the norm.
- Buy ?big? gifts on random days. I have seen and heard more commercials jewelry and ?big ticket? gifts over the past few weeks than I have in a while. Marketers know this is the time many couples choose to make that big purchase. ?I guess something about jewelry says love. Consider buying that bracelet, ring, or major gift at a completely unexpected time of the year.
- Speak love often, make it your language. I don?t doubt you say those 3 magic words, ?I love you?, more than on Valentine?s Day, but continue to speak words of affirmation, to say encouraging and appreciate words to your spouse. ?Learn what your spouse likes to hear you say, and say it, and make sure you mean it. That means there should be some action associated with the love you are speaking.
BMWK Family?? What are your plans to keep the love going when Valentine?s Day is over? Please share in the comment section below.
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