Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Motivational, Inspirational, & Self-improvement Product | Billards

> Products > Motivational, Inspirational, & Self-improvement Product

February 21st, 2012 Admin

re you sick and tired of struggling to make ends meet? Do you read a bunch of motivational books and still find yourself kind of depressed? Do you go to a job you hate and put up with a boss you don?t care for? Do you have great ideas in your head but you are scared to death to step out and strike it on your own?

Well, let me tell something: You are not alone. There are millions out there struggling to get by. Not only they are being squeezed by the current economic crises, they are confused, afraid and uncertain about their future. Simply put, things are tough!

But you know what? It?s a choice. We don?t have to struggle. We choose to participate in a recession. We choose to live from hand to mouth. Yeah, I know it?s kind of harsh or not nice to put it this way. But it is what it is. In a moment you are going to find out what qualifies me to make such a statement. Don?t get mad. Just stay with me.

I don?t know about you. For me, years ago when I was living at the lowest point in my life. When I was running so fast on the treadmill of life and going nowhere, I was REALLY frustrated.

Now, admittedly, I didn?t hate my job. But I also didn?t want to be stuck being a doorman at a hotel carrying bags. I knew there was something better for me somewhere. I just didn?t know how and where to go get it. Have you ever felt that way before?

I sure didn?t want to reach the end of my life living in the conditions I was living. I needed to do something? FAST! Just like you probably need to do something FAST to change?read more


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